Thursday 21 June 2007

Unlawful Prosecutions

London Bus Services Limited (aka Transport for London) routinely prosecute 700 people per week for fare evasion under the Public Service Vehicles Regulations 1990.

I applaud the crackdown on fare evasion, however the majority of these people that are prosecuted are not habitual criminals, they are normally fare paying passengers that have made an innocent error.

London Buses have a faceless and brainless system of unfair prosecution, if you give the inspector your correct name and address then you will probably receive a court summons within 6 months. This is the irony, you have to provide a valid name and address to be prosecuted! the really dishonest guys escape.

On this blog I will seek to offer advice as and when I have time to post. I urge you all to defend yourselves (because TfL certainly aren't expecting you to.)

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